Welcome to South Blendon Community Church
We are a community of all ages with a wide variety of vocational and social backgrounds. At South Blendon, we believe that through the power of the Holy Spirit, God is renewing individuals, families, communities, and cultures as people trust and follow Christ. We pattern our life together around
the mission to...
Build Disciples, Grow in Faith, and Serve in Christ's Name
Building Disciples
A Disciple is basically an apprentice of Jesus. They are a student of Jesus who learns how to become like him by following him and doing what Jesus did.
Grow in Faith
Christ said that he came to give us abundant life in Him. This life is freely given to us, and it grows in abundance the more we trust Jesus and His leading.
Serving in Christ's Name
What we mean by serving in Christ’s Name is that we as a church participate in God’s Mission of redemption in this world by being available to God for these two types of service.
The Great Commission:
“Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age’.” - Matthew 28:18-20
Continuing Jesus’ Blessing Strategy:
“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” – Luke 4:18-19
Our Vision which is...
To have everyone at South Blendon Community Church know their Spiritual Gifts and know how their gifts support South Blendon’s Evangelistic efforts.
and Our Values which are...
The Bible
We believe the Holy Bible is the final and only authority for Truth. Biblical truth, as we understand it, is informed and shaped by the Creeds and Confessions of the Alliance of Reformed Churches of which we are apart.
Prayer is an essential means of communication with God and is vital for accomplishing His purpose in the world. We believe we need both private and collective prayer as a congregation for the planning and implementation of God’s ministries and activities of our church.
The focus of Worship is not for us, but to give glory to God. We believe worship includes praise in song and music, prayer to the Father, and reading God’s Word. We also believe that as we worship the Trinity, God blesses us and communicates his presence to us faithfully.
We believe that we are commanded to “go out and share the gospel of His love and salvation to those around us and out into the world.” We will encourage Christ-like hope, both in our inner life and the community around us. The Holy Spirit empowers us to reach out to a world around us desperate for hope and love.
We believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ is timeless and unchanging. Valuing ministry that is both doctrinally pure and culturally relevant, we strive to tailor the presentation of the Gospel message so that the audience hears and receives it. We will remain faithful to the Reformed faith while communicating the Gospel in relevant ways.
We are to hold each other accountable by challenging, encouraging, and building up each other in His redemptive grace. We need to extend forgiveness to each other when we fall short.
Spiritual Gifts/Serving
We all need to discover, develop, and use our gifts in serving the Kingdom. We need to help each other, with encouragement, to involve all members to take their gift(s) and use it for service, wherever it is needed, with a joyful heart.
We strive to teach God’s Word so all may find Christ and mature in their faith with knowledge in the church and in the home. We believe strong homes make strong churches.
Relational Community
We value loving, intergenerational relationships, and will care for one another, pray for one another and trust one another. We know God builds a community of faith using His people. We want to be a community like what is described in the Bible; where people are real, honest, respectful, forgiving, and encouraging of one another. Therefore, we commit to creating a non-threatening environment for all, inviting people to explore the Christian faith.
Spiritual Growth and Discipleship
We are committed to the continuous growth and spiritual formation of every Christian in biblical knowledge, wisdom, stewardship, service, and their relationship with God. Discipleship is a life-long, grace-filled journey. Therefore, we will devote ourselves to practices that promote spiritual growth realizing that, wherever we are with God, He has more for us. We will commit to providing opportunities for Christ-followers to pursue and continually take steps towards intimacy with Christ as life-long learners.
We believe everything we have belongs to God and we are asked to give back to God our tithes and offerings. Our time, our talents, our love, our hospitality, and our spiritual gifts are also to be used when we think of stewardship. God will hold each one accountable for all He has entrusted to us.