Life Groups


What are Life Groups?


We believe God wants to see a contagious movement of disciples sold out to following Christ together into fullness of life.


Life groups bring a community of people together around Word, relationship, and service towards living the life Jesus intended for us.

Life Group Brochure 2020


Healthy Habits of LG’s

Care – Being “for” each other, Encouraging each other, Coming alongside one another

Safety – Having a “come-as-you-are” culture, Feeling safe enough to be yourself, Accepting each other unconditionally

Authenticity – Being “real” with each other, Taking relational risks with one another

Growth – Hebrews 10:24-Spurring one another on, Encouraging each other to take growth steps, Naming areas where growth needs to happen, Meeting a growth partner outside of group time to encourage growth steps.

Help – Providing resources others may need, can be practical: helping move, filing tax returns, etc., It’s also about asking for help when it’s needed

Reaching Out – Open to receiving new people, Serving the community, Reaching the unchurched, Multiplying (helping to start new groups), Apprenticing new life group leaders.

Current Life Groups

  • Women of the Word
  • Adult Sunday School (not currently meeting)
  • DeJonge Life Group
  • College/Career Life Group
  • Jarvis Life Group
  • Lampen Life Group
  • Summer Life Group (not currently meeting)

… New Groups will be starting as well in 2020.