As we begin to now worship in-person, we felt it would be good to get some additional information to you regarding the plan. If you or a family member are sick or have a fever, please know it is okay that you stay home. Likewise, if you feel more comfortable or feel at a higher risk it is also okay to worship at
home. Our online worship will continue just like it has for the past many weeks. As you begin to come back to worship in-person at church please know that the following polices have been put into place to keep everyone safe.
- You are welcome to wear a mask to limit potential spread. We ask that you honor each person’s own decision to wear or not to wear a mask.
- We will have hand sanitizer available in multiple locations from the main entrances to the worship center. You may also bring your own.
- Currently we are not offering a nursery and the nursery will remain closed. We are asking that families stay and worship together. You may want to plan accordingly and bring your own activity bag for your children.
- We will not be printing any type of bulletin or service information. The mailboxes have been emptied and we ask that you not use them at this time.
- The church building will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected each week in between Sundays. We will have space for people to worship in the worship center, balcony, lobby, and fellowship hall.
- We ask that you practice social distancing from non-household family members with at least 3 empty seats in between you and someone from another household.
- We will project the words to all songs and all bible passages on the screens. We will not be using the hymnals or bibles located under the seats in front of you.
- We will not be passing the offering plates, instead the deacons will have an offering plate in the back of the worship center near the sound booth as well as an offering plate near the welcome desk. You may also drop your offering off at the office during normal office hours or send it via the mail. Online giving is still a very quick and easy option as well.
- At the conclusion of the service we ask that if the weather permits that you fellowship outside in the fresh air. We will not be serving coffee or refreshments. Feel free to bring your own if needed. We encourage you to fellowship while remaining socially distant.
It may be good to have discussions with your family before arriving to church. Talk about where you would like to worship as a family but also where would be a good alternative location if an area is filled up. The attached map can guide you on possible entrances to choose. It also shows where good WIFI is
available in the parking lot if you choose to worship in your car. It is also important to note that all the other areas of the church will remain closed unless you have specific needs. We are trying to keep traffic at a minimum.
Once again, we are excited to once again worship together in-person again. We do however understand that some may choose to still worship from their own homes or may choose to worship in the parking lot and then be able to fellowship after the service. We will continue to monitor all the state’s guidelines and recommendations and update these plans accordingly. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your Elder and/or Care Shepard.