"His Hour"

Beginning Sunday, March 23rd through April 13th 2025:

We invite you to join us on this next four-week series where we will examine Jesus’s repeated references to “his hour” throughout the Gospel of John, following the trail all the way to the cross. By the end of this sermon series we can be certain it will deepen our affections for Christ, as the 'hour of Jesus' is that exact moment in time when God in Christ reveals his unconditional and unwavering love for the world. Please join us for worship services Sundays at 10:00am in person or online! We cannot wait to worship with you friends!




"Hop Into Hope"

A Special Worship Service & Event On Sunday, April 13th 2025:

You are Invited to... “His Hour” - A Special Worship @ 10 a.m. & Hop Into Hope @ 11:15 am - A Free Event Featuring… An Easter Egg Hunt, Yard Games, Bounce House, Barrel Train Rides, Hot Dogs & Refreshments, Story Time for Kids And So Much More!!! We want to Hop into Hope Week with this Worship and Party event, and you are invited! It is on Palm Sunday, so we have a special Palm Sunday Worship Service, and then stay for the after party as a way to prepare our hearts for Holy Week, remembering Jesus last week which ends on Easter Sunday, April 20. We sure hope to see you there! 🐣✝️🌿



"The Great Jungle Journey" Winter Family Night!!!

 Wednesday Nights, February 5th through March 26th 2025:

Join us for Family Night Wednesday nights now through March 26th from 5:45pm-8:00pm . We will begin with an exciting kick off celebration on Wednesday, February 5th! We will start each evening with a delicious Family Meal together, then the kiddos will head off on an epic cruise from Genesis to Revelation on The Great Jungle Journey VBS, while the adults enjoy Bible study time. The very last week we will throw an awesome celebration party! This is always a great time with memories that stand to last a lifetime! Please mark your calendars and consider joining us! You're welcome at any point! Come when you cn, leave when you have to. Registration is now open! Please click on the link or image above. We can't wait to learn, grow, and fellowship with you Family & Friends!

Next Steps

What are the next steps in your journey with God and with South Blendon?  Is it the start of your journey with Baptism?  Is it becoming an active participant at South Blendon? Is it engaging in encouraging relationships that will empower your journey through Life Groups?  Is it participating with God and others in blessing others in the world around us?

Missional Communities

Missional Communities are extended families of all ages that Pray together, Play together and Pursue a mission together.  Click on the link or picture above to learn more about our Missional Communities and events to participate in.


Life Groups

Life groups bring a community of people together around Word, relationship, and service towards living the life Jesus intended for us.


Missional Communities

Missional Communities are an intergenerational extended family of 40+ followers of Jesus gathered around a God-Given mission local to South Blendon Community Church.



Prayer is how we communicate with God.  Send us a prayer request or praise.  We have people happy to pray on your behalf.


Youth Ministry

The Village youth group is for 6th through 12th grade junior high and high school students. The Village meets Sunday nights from 5:30-7:00 pm throughout the school year. Activities include weekly meetings, group outings, Bible study, service projects & mission trips


SB Kids

Our kids are not just the future of the church they are the church.  Therefore, we offer age appropriate worship, discipleship, and service opportunities through Nursery, Children's Worship, Sunday School, and our Missional Communities.


Women's Ministry

Women’s Ministries is all the adult women of SBCC. If you are 18-99+ you are part of Women’s Ministries and as such you are asked to use your gifts and talents to minister to others in your church family. There are many opportunities for you.



Sunday Service: 10:00am In-Person & Online

4817 Port Sheldon St., Hudsonville, MI 49426

(616) 669-9872

How can we help?

Email     Prayer

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Want to watch online? Check us out on YouTube!